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Body Like A Rockstar


"I love playing Guitar Hero shirtless!!!"

You have seen them on stage owning the crowd, shredding the guitar and whaling the drums…all while wearing skin tight leather pants and a six pack that could grate cheese.

Rockstars Baby!

Now, I doubt they get that lean look from “traditional” dieting…but let’s say they did. And let’s say, for the sake of this article, that they could afford few extra pounds of lean muscle mass.

How would they do it?

Well, I hit the trenches and did some research on how to get that lean rockstar look that drives chicks wild…

It’s easy! With just a few tweaks to your current health habits, I can turn you into Iggy Pop…minus the uncanny ability put on a concert that will melt your face off.

No Sleep

Being a rockstar means late nights and early mornings, so if you need your beauty sleep maybe this ain’t for you. With little rest and long days and nights of being awesome, rest isn’t easy to come across. Supplement with ZMA. It is known for its anabolic effects on fitness enthusiasts of the highest level. It promotes a deep restful sleep (even on little sleep), which is an ideal environment for muscle to recover and build. So rock on you stallion of the night!

Workout In the Morning

You’ve got a busy day of writing lyrics, laying by the pool and threatening to break up the band if Johnny (the drummer) doesn’t get his shit together. This only leaves the morning to get your workout in. It is important to make sure these workouts are full body circuits with little or no rest in between exercises with tons of yelling and pointing to give it a live concert feel…Ok, maybe no yelling and pointing. You got to keep in mind that putting on a show means a nonstop set list of mind-blowing tunes…with no breathers. This means your workouts need to mimc this. Show one sign of weakness to the crowd and you might as well cancel your tour or start opening for John Mayer.

Drink Up

As a rockstar, you should only be consuming three types of liquids: water, green tea and, of course Jack Daniels (2 drink limit).

Water will do everything from keep you hydrated to a shuttle and absorb nutrients into your body and flush toxins out.

Green tea is a natural fat burner as well as powerful antioxidant that can clear free radicals in your system.  No…not that kind of radical…dude. It can act as a cleanser.

Green tea...TONS of green tea...

*Jack Daniels is a staple in every rockstars routine. Even if you don’t drink, just fill the bottle with Crystal Light iced tea and make believe you are drinking it.

*Limit to two drinks. Alcohol isn’t fat burner friendly, but a couple here and there can be enjoyed if you so desire.


I understand what is appealing about the rockstar look…but a little more muscle mass never hurt anyone.  If you’re going to do this, you’ll need an adequate amount of protein. Being that you’re probably doing a cross-country tour, you should always have some protein shakes on the ready and lean meats backstage. When you get good enough (and don’t have to drive your Mom’s Volkswagon) a kick ass tour bus is a must. You know…with a kitchen, fridge and a midget. No real reason for that, but they are definitely cool to have around for tossing purposes. Groupies, that can cook and prepare meals backstage are also a plus.

By taking in all this protein, your muscles will recover faster, your hair will look healthier (no REAL rockstar doesn’t have sweet hair) and it will help fend off diseases…which is probably the most critical for a rockstar. You know…in case you catch the cold (I guess that’s what it’s called these days) from one of the groupies.

Fiber Up and Carb Down

That lean shredded look that every lead singer has is quintessential. You will need to taper your carbs down, but be sure to displace those calories with fat for energy. Too many carbs will lead to water retention, which isn’t optimal for the rocker look.  On the other hand, too little carbs will leave you passed out before you get a chance to come back for the encore. (What a waste of lighter fluid.) Being able to balance this is super important. Lastly, throw some fiber (i.e. veggies) in your diet to keep digestion steady and metabolism running efficiently.


So there you have it…a handful of ways to get that rockstar body.

Keep them in mind next time you get a gig at the VFW…or just want to wear your stonewash jeans from high school with no shirt.

How do get your rockstar body? Got any tips of your own? Put them in the comments below!

The post Body Like A Rockstar appeared first on Mike Arone Fitness.

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